
Friday, April 22, 2011

Castle Ravenloft In The Realm of Barovia

(click to enlarge)

Castle Ravenloft, sitting atop Mount Ravenloft, the foreboding mountain range that dominates the northern reaches of the realm of Barovia.  The city of Barovia, seen on the bottom of the drawing, leads into the wilderness of Barovia2, which eventually leads to the outer gates of Castle Ravenloft.
This above drawing was a conceptual image drawn to better understand where some of the featured portions of Barovia2 will be and be in relation to each other.  The Ivlis Marsh to the west of Ravenloft Chasm, the crossing marked between them.  The Tser Falls and Lysaga Hill topped with the ruined tower of the Mountain Fane.  Crystal and red dragons added later to create additional areas of interest.
Castle Ravenloft has two little blips at the ends of lines above it, to suggest it had two towers that take you to separate segments.  (Had conceptualized a part of this to be similar movement-initiated group teleporting.. like inTransparent Tower.)

Barovia2 is pretty direct.. kill the mobs, get the keys.  It retains the style of Barovia1 but is led much differently.  For example, Barovia1 has some specific segments that one can choose to do for certain equipment, or only epics.  And rooms are simple streets/intersections with wandering mobs and clumps at the cross-roads.  Barovia2 is a wide-open set of grids with wandering aggros and a couple quest mobs, much more like Jotunheim.

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